

The 30 Best Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers (2012 Edition)

Looking for the best cloud computing software for your school? What about a way to remotely store homework and other assignments? It’s time to figure out which web 2.0 tool is right for you!
The following presentation contains dozens of the most popular tools being used in classrooms right now. In fact, I’ve personally used more than 90% of these tools in higher education. They’re useful, most are free (some are freemium), and true time-savers. You’ve probably heard of some but I can almost guarantee there’s something new here for you.

Each slide in the below presentation by Rafael Scapin contains the name, description, link, and screenshot of what each tool looks like and does. What else could you need? Enjoy!

Edudemic’s Recommendations

If you’re looking to try out some of these tools, here are the top 5 tools we recommend you try out (if you haven’t already).
Slideshare - Get the credit and audience you deserve for your presentations! They may be embedded in a website just like this one or even on a fancier site like the NYTimes, etc.
Scoop.it - A stellar social bookmarking service that is being used by a ton of teachers right now. We try our best to keep the Edudemic Scoop.it feed updated!
PlanBoard - It’s an online lesson planner made for teachers. Create, share, and manage lesson plans with simple and easy to use lesson plan templates.
Evernote - Featured in Edudemic Magazine numerous times, we love all things Evernote. It’s insanely popular in education and useful for teachers, students, parents, and just about anyone who wants to remember what they’ve done.
Dropbox - I use Dropbox every day. I had to up to the 100GB size and feel like I’ll never fill it up. Great for backing up everything, accessing files remotely (even from your smartphone and tablet) and sharing things. I’ve seen it used for handing in homework on a regular basis. Also, you can get an extra 3GB free if you have a .edu address!

The Best Web 2.0 Tools For Teachers

  1. Google Drive
  2. Dropbox
  3. CloudMagic
  4. Jumpshare
  5. Weebly
  6. Issuu
  7. ePubBud
  8. Infogr.am
  9. Text2MindMap
  10. EdCanvas
  11. KeepVid
  12. TubeChop
  13. GoAnimate
  14. TodaysMeet
  15. Slideshare
  16. Voki
  17. Prezi
  18. Record MP3
  19. Delicious
  20. Jing
  21. Pixlr
  22. Loopster
  23. Evernote
  24. Scoop.it
  25. Paper.li
  26. LiveBinders
  27. Join.me
  28. Zamzar
  29. Poll Everywhere
  30. VoiceThread
  31. PlanBoard
  32. TeachersPayTeachers (TPT)
  33. Gnowledge

